Drain Protection

Keep spills and rubbish out of drains

Spills are much more difficult and much more expensive to clean up once they are in drains.  Drain covers, spill berms, and containment barriers can be deployed to quickly protect drains and sensitive areas in an emergency; drain  pollution guards and sediment traps  are typically used to prevent general rubbish, silt, and plant matter getting into pits and blocking pipes.  Drain pollution guards also incorporate a sorbent bilge sock to help capture any hydrocarbon sheen in rainwater runoff.

Drain CoversDrain Covers
4 Products
Spill BermsSpill Berms
1 Product
Sediment TrapsSediment Traps
1 Product



Just a few lines to thank you and your staff at Gecko Cleantech for your excellent service, in particular your quick response to supply our recent emergency order for absorbent.  A good produc...

Council Storeman, NSW

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92 Lillkar Road
New South Wales
Australia 2580


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